Uncategorized, Virtual airlines

Feathers Virtual Airways

Feathers Virtual Airways is a fictional airline that can only be found on the VATSIM and the VATUSA virtual network. There is no immediate or factual connections to any real airlines currently based anywhere  on the planet.


Hello! I’m Scott Palacheck. CEO and Chief Board Member of FEATHERS VA. This is not your ordinary virtual airline. We do have rules, like the “other guys” do, but try to be more lenient. We’re get to that in the rule books later. Like this for example, if you can repaint a plane or paint a plane to that has an awesome logo on, using the name FEATHERS, run it by my and more than likely I will accept it. Our colors are yellow, white, and green.  We plan on having out own homepage, but we have to budget for it. Unless we get a generous helper who can design a better homepage than this thing….PLEASE DO. GoDaddy.com has a deal or one year for 13.00. You will be made a board member and an automatic senior officer

Stick around, the fun has just begun.



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